Saturday, April 23, 2011

In the News: Cereal Helps Prevent Hypertension

According to a report my the American Heart Association (AHA), having a bowl of cereal each morning could cut your risk of hypertension by up to 20%.  They added that whole grain varieties of cereal were much healthier and reduced hypertension risk more than non-whole grain varieties.
"Compared with men who never ate cereal, those who averaged one serving per week had a 7% lower risk of hypertension. Those who consumed cereal more frequently had even greater reductions in risk: Two to six weekly servings were associated with an 11% lower risk, and one or more servings per day were associated with a 19% lower risk." (
About 1 in 3 adults in the United States has hypertension, a major risk factor for kidney problems, heart attacks, and strokes. The AHA estimates that hypertension costs the country an estimated $90 billion in health-care and other costs each year.


  1. As someone who has to now drive to work, my only pet peeve with cereal is that it's one of the more lengthy breakfasts with respect to eating. I've gone through a phases of "eat strawberry Gogurt during rush hour traffic" simply because it saves time.

    le sigh :(

  2. If you have to eat breakfast on the go would a whole grain cereal bar give you some of the same health benefits
